
Various forms of graphic recording and graphic facilitation

In the 1990's graphics or visuals were used as a creative way of teaching pupils in schools, educating students at University and in the market place in businesses. It's a great way of remember things while studying! The process or 'art of graphic recording and graphic facilitation' has developed into various forms ... 1. Fast catch - a word or image capture 2. Deep listening - a story or metaphor capture 3. Graphic journalism 4. Holistic reflection 5. Signage 6. Historical graphic 7. In-your-voice participant - initiated graphics in two forms, monitored and      unmonitored. These 7 points are taken from: The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 2005; 41; 139 Graphic Facilitaton and Large-Scale Interventions; Supporting Dialogue Between Cultures at a Global, Multicultural, Interfaith Event C. Tyler, L Valek, R. Rowland

Website for Elfie Rocher's Graphic Recording

I've recently started a new website on Graphic Recording ... if you'd like to have a on the link below

Graphic recording with IBEC

The graphic recording worked so well in collaboration with the planning team from Ibec who ran breakfast meetings in four different locations around Ireland encouraging and networking with local businesses and prioritising opprtunities for growth. We also recorded the conversations at their Ibec HR Leadership Summit, at the Convention Centre - a large scale event with TD Richard Bruton, guest speaker from the London Business School, as well as representatives from local businesses.

Coderdojo 19th Aug graphic recording

 Had an awesome fun day recording at Trinity Science Museum on the 19th Aug... with James and his team at Coderdojo.

Microsoft CRM - March

Worked with Isite's sales department at Microsoft to sell CRM to potential clients at Microsoft offices in Sandyford.

Graphic recording in Ireland

I have been formally trained as a Visual Practitioner at Make Mark in North America and built up considerable experience recording events such as Strategy, Change and Interventions. Here are some examples of the types of work my training has provided. Graphic recording in real time as the meeting or conference is progressing, actively drawing and capturing the essence of the conversations between the facilitator and the delegates. Graphic facilitation , facilitating the meeting and at the same time, drawing out the ideas and concepts as the conversation progresses. Graphic coaching, a one-on-one situation, helping someone cope with difficult situations in their lives. Seeing different aspects drawn out visually on the wall charts, helps them begin to understand where they are 'stuck', choosing to move out of the ‘place’ they're in, and move into a place they want to be in. I am currently engaged part time, to produce graphic recordings for the clien...